About Us
Hello! Bonjour! Ciao! My name is Aimée, founder of CultureRISE. You might call me a wandering observer: an infinitely curious explorer of the world around me, and at large. This spirit of adventure led me from the quiet suburbs of Canada, where I grew up, to the arts and fashion community of Toronto, and then to the media circles (and beaches) of Sydney, Australia. Later, I packed my bags once again for Milan, where I studied business and worked in PR for the luxury sector. These days home is Switzerland and Crete.
I’ve come to think the best way to describe me is a harmony of opposites. An artist-meets-businesswoman who loves colourful design, yet is equally drawn to Zen-style minimalism. A passionate gourmand who plans travel itineraries entirely around food, all the while pursuing a keen interest in health and wellness. Those who know me as a social butterfly can be surprised to learn of my monk-like introversion, perfectly content to spend a quiet weekend devouring a good book.
And as you might have guessed by now, I am also one of those: a modern woman in search of better balance. On the one hand, the pragmatist in me gets swayed by the distraction all around us. Headlines screaming about the latest human atrocity, environmental crisis, or mass shooting. The never-ending race against the clock. The abundance of choice and tempting solutions to buy ourselves The Perfect Life. I mean, who can resist the illusive promise of a brand new pair of pink sparkle shoes?
Yet I am a dreamer at heart. I dream of a world with more beauty and joy. This was the starting point for CultureRISE and the Wake Up Shake Up podcast.
Sunshine ∞ the ocean ∞ panoramic mountain hikes ∞ vivid colours ∞ swimming ∞ sparkles and glitter ∞ Freddie ∞ fireside reading with my favourite mohair and warm mug of tea ∞ long countryside walks ∞ good food ∞ dancing around the living room ∞ disco house with rockin’ gospel vocals ∞ laughing with friends ∞ books, books and more books
CultureRISE is a journey to find inspiration everyday: part guided exploration, part unofficial experiment to pursue a meaningful life in modern times. I started the CultureRISE blog in 2015 as an antidote to the insanity of it all.
At the time I was working full-out in the corporate world and, like many of us, needed a better way to juggle the demands of a busy home and professional life. Adding to this pressure, it seemed impossible to escape a scary vision of the future. Climate change, mass shootings, and most recently, a global health pandemic.
What was missing in all of this is a roadmap. The problems are clear. But what about the solutions? What actions can we take in the everyday to bring about change for the better in these areas — for ourselves, for family and friends, and the larger community? Action that doesn’t necessarily involve leaving everything behind to spend the rest of our life meditating in a cave. (Which, incidentally, does seem like a more and more appealing option these days).
Instead of heading for the nearest cave, I set out to uncover the other side of the picture: examples of kindness and compassion and resilience. Stories that don’t make the headlines, but deserve to be seen and heard. Stories that, in fact, make up the majority of what happens directly around us when we take a moment to look up.
Don’t be fooled into thinking this is some kind of pie-in-the-sky, new age dreamland. Though you’re more than welcome, if that’s your thing. This is a place for the ordinary: for those of us who may not have it all figured out, but who haven’t stopped trying. It’s a breathing space for people searching for fulfillment who don’t necessarily have the means, or desire, to pack it all in and climb the Himalayas.
This is a space for anyone needing a moment away from the rush of everyday life to reflect on what it all means…and still get the laundry done.