Bouncing back from last month’s fear-filled news agenda

I had planned to use some vacation time in July to write. Then, suddenly, I found myself unable to bring pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). While the sun was shining outside and everything in my immediate vicinity appeared as usual, I felt enveloped in a dark cloud of despair, exacerbated by a particularly dismal, fear-inducing news agenda.
What’s going on out there?
Unpredictability seemed a common theme in July’s headlines. According to my news feed, the world has officially gone nuts: anxiety-filled sound bites of political and economic uncertainty, inexplicable acts of violence, and dismal reminders that the excessively warm summer days we should all be enjoying (in the northern hemisphere, at least) are a sign that we’re all doomed as the planet disintegrates around us.
Even with the Olympic Games right around the corner, we are not seeing many uplifting tales of athletic achievement to restore one’s faith in humanity, with their requisite backstories about overcoming the odds. Instead, the reports on Rio seem solely focused on pollution, disease, doping and corruption; without any of the good stuff.
And don’t even get me started on the US Presidential election…total bananas. You might call it fascinating entertainment if this were a sketch comedy; not the future of the world’s strongest economic and military power spinning into the orbit of Jupiter.
The heavy weight of fear
With all of this negative energy infusing the public conversation, I couldn’t help but feel devoid of my usual creative zest. Not even the postcard perfect backdrop of Switzerland, where hubby and I did a summer staycation, could lift the heaviness dragging on my heart and mind.
I succumbed to this mood for a while, all the while berating myself for not feeling more energized. Then, one morning I woke up and made a conscious decision to fight back. It just won’t do to waste time wallowing in a pool of negativity. There’s no question, we have some serious problems around us. Ignoring them isn’t the answer. But neither is feeling constantly afraid and miserable.
Looking out my window to the clear blue sky, I closed my news app and started hunting down fuel for the soul. This search uncovered some wonderful gems of inspiration, reminding me that life is more than meets the headlines. I hope you’ll enjoy too. Happy exploring!
Summer Inspiration Collection
- Blast through the blues with a comedy infusion – A good dose of stand-up comedy is a sure-fire way to turn around the darkest of days. I started my inspiration fix with a new Netflix release featuring Ali Wong. A note to all the self-righteous PCers out there: if you’re offended by Amy Schumer’s brass, in-your-face comedy then this may not be for you. Ali Wong is like Amy on steroids. I had to stop the program several times to recover from laughter-induced stomach spasms. She is outrageously funny. I’ve already watched this special four times and it never gets tired. (BTW – The trailer doesn’t do the program justice.)
- Remember to keep getting up again – I’m a sucker for a feel-good story about winning against all odds, through determination and persistence. This pretty much personifies the journey of Eddie the Eagle, told in this fictional film account of his life. I must admit that I had already watched this film on a flight home from a business trip in May. But I liked it so much that I made hubby sit through it with me the second time through.
- Sing at the top of your lungs – I can’t help but belt out this Freddie tune while out walking through my quiet little Swiss neighborhood, albeit risking arrest for disturbing the peace. (I dare you to try it in your neighbourhood!) The locals aren’t sure quite what to make of a Nordic-walking-Freddie-
singing-Canadian-crazy-lady. This is the land, after all, where you can get a fine you for mowing the lawn on a Sunday or accidentally putting your empty Chablis bottles in with the trash instead of their NASA-inspired recycling system. Maybe next time I could really freak them out with this old relic from my childhood. (Those were the days, weren’t they, Mr. Rogers? Won’t you be my neighbour?) - Dance along to a totally camp 1980s music video – This classic video is, quite simply, fabulousness embodied. This one is dedicated to all those who believe love will prevail. Even though, sadly, bangs and Fosse jazz hands have long gone.
- Look differently at your ‘normal’ – Ironically, this TED Talk popped up on my Facebook feed alongside New York Times coverage of the Republican National Convention in the US. In this talk, artist and independent animator, Safwat Saleem, describes how he overcame criticism of his voice and, in particular, his accent to push the boundaries of ‘normal’ through his work.
This was the start of my World Fear Recovery Plan. How about you? I’d love to hear what inspired you to blast through the headlines this month.
(Feature photo: Death to Stock)