Light Up The New Year: CultureRISE Collection – January

Toward the end of 2017 one of my favourite podcasts came to a close. I’ve been a fan of the show for some time and I especially enjoyed the recurring segment in each episode called I’m Done With That.
During the conversation, Denise Restauri and her guest discussed a thinking pattern or behaviour that is no longer serving them — something they are “done with” — and made a conscious commitment to change. With the New Year upon us, I thought this was a good place to start in resolving how to shape the days, weeks and months ahead.
There was a lot of negative noise in the air in 2017. When a global superpower goes off the rails, it’s only natural to feel fear about what the future will hold, particularly in our hyper-connected world.
At such times, it can be tempting to fall into apathy. (Does it really make a difference if I recycle my coffee capsules in Switzerland when one of the world’s largest economies has pulled out of the Paris climate accord?)
Maybe not. But what I do know is that, in 2018, I’m done with being pulled into helpless outrage without any concrete solutions on the table.
There are, of course, problems much bigger than you, or I, or any of us can resolve single-handedly. But this leaves us with an important choice: do we succumb to fear or embrace the impact we can have in our own backyard?
It’s all too easy to use the futility of it all as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for our actions in the here and now. (Trust me, I know what it means to fight every day not to be lulled into this apathy cocoon…)
This leads me to my one and only resolution for 2018: to believe, every single day. I resolve to believe that I can make a difference, no matter how small, and to act accordingly.
This month’s inspiration round-up is a call for us all to hold on and believe in the impact we all have in the world, whether big or small – and to keep hoping for a better future.
May you find love in your heart, and much beauty and joy around you in the year ahead.
This Month’s Inspiration Collection
“We share the same soul”: How can you not be filled with hope when you hear this unique set of twins talk about their special relationship?
Not everyone has political activism in their blood. But extreme times call for creative solutions. Restauranteur, Ravi Derossi, is doing his part, in the best way he knows how, with this new bar concept in New York City.
I have long turned to this gospel-infused house anthem for an inspiration boost on tough days. And I can’t think of a better theme song for 2018.
Fear of the unknown can be outrageously disproportionate to reality, as we see in this hilarious episode of “Fear Box”, complete with snakes and a Chewbacca stuffed animal. Save it for a moment when you need a good laugh!
From the CultureRISE Archives
Throwback to 2016 and the Year of Fabulousness: making time for things that inspire you from the inside out.
What do you see today when you #LookUp?
(photo: @aimeedubrule)
This is the message I share with you now in the hope that throughout 2018 we shall be energized by the beauty that is all around us, and rather than becoming discouraged and rendered helpless by the ignorance and evil that is so obvious, we shall become strengthened by the goodness and love that is also everywhere. And then we shall be able to use the gift of our lives, to make the world that little bit better – every day.”
Jane Goodall