Happiness as a mindset: CultureRISE Collection – March

It’s a long weekend here in Switzerland and the forecast looks pretty dismal. With non-stop rain predicted, I’m planning to spend most of it bundled up in front of the fireplace at home, with hubby and the cats, for a cozy Netflix marathon.
Although the clocks sprang forward last weekend, signs of spring remain a distant dream. Apart from the first sprigs of asparagus at my local supermarket (a welcome sight for these winter-weary eyes…), it sometimes feels like the interminable gray will never end.
But there’s nothing like a bit of travel to trigger a change in perspective, even if it’s just a half-hour train ride. On my walk to the station earlier, I couldn’t help but notice the birds chirping a touch louder than in previous weeks — and a first sprinkling of spring flowers covering the lawn of our neighbour.
Happiness reset?
Proponents of positive psychology argue that the way we frame external events has a disproportionate influence on our experience of the world and, ultimately, our happiness. My own journey today brought that point home.
When I woke up this morning I felt weighed down at the prospect of yet another rain-soaked winter weekend. But something in me shifted as I noticed — and actively focused on — what was right in front of me. (It also helped that I am heading out to spend an enjoyable afternoon with a cherished friend.)
By now the rain has returned, in a torrential downpour, and Mr Sun has disappeared again. So I’m going for the famous “fake it ‘til you make it” approach — and turning to this month’s collection of inspiration sparks as a reminder of how to flip the heaviness inside out.
I may have to wait another month or so for the sun to reappear on the outside. In the meantime, I’m holding on to everything that’s good — right here, right now — on this rainy March day.
With love,
This Month’s Inspiration Collection
Can you train your brain to be more positive? In this insightful — and entertaining — TEDx Talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that higher levels of “positivity in the present” lead your brain to experience what he calls a Happiness Advantage. His research shows that your brain “at positive” performs better — leading to greater levels of creativity, energy and overall productivity. Perhaps it’s time for companies to start paying more attention to happiness metrics?
Did you know that 40% of our happiness is based on behaviour? Chookooloonks creator, Karen Walrond, summarises some of these fascinating insights and breaks down the theory of positive psychology into easy steps you can take in your everyday life to cultivate more joy.
To see how this plays out in real life, have a listen to this powerful story from a young woman once labelled the “ugliest woman in the world”. Lizzie Velasquez demonstrates what it means to reframe your thinking under the most challenging of circumstances and, in doing so, turning a superficial notion of beauty on its head.
If this is all too American peppy and self-determined for you, check out a more nuanced angle offered by The School of Life: “Should we work on ourselves or on the world?”. (This one is especially relevant for those of us with a tendency to treat self-optimization as an Olympic sport.)
From the CultureRISE Archives
What can we learn about perspective from behind the lens? In case you missed it, check out the first episode of the CultureRISE podcast with my guest, Elisabeth Fransdonk. You’ll hear about Elisabeth’s journey from advertising executive to creative entrepreneur; what we can learn about life from trees; and how to carve out space for a moments of happiness every day.
Sometimes it’s the small things that can make your day…like seeing your name spelled correctly for the first time at the coffee shop! (@aimeedubrule)
Look to this day: For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your existence. The bliss of growth, the glory of action, the splendour of achievement are but experiences of time. For yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision; but today well-lived makes yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day; such is the salutation to the ever-new dawn!”
Feature photo: unsplash-logoCaju Gomes