Look Up To Find Inspiration Everyday: CultureRISE Collection – December

I am excited to share with you the first edition of CultureRISE Collection, a round-up of my favorite sparks of inspiration from the blog.
As you may know, I created CultureRISE a few years back with an intention to carve out a sanctuary amidst the busyness of it all: to find more meaning without necessarily having to sell the house, or quit my day job, and go climb the Himalayas.
What began as a personal antidote to the insanity of modern Western life has, over time, evolved into a mission of action.
There’s no denying we’re living in fear-filled and uncertain times. But I believe that, collectively, we hold the power to create a positive force of change in our lives – and the world around us.
In this monthly collection, I will share some of the ideas, stories and conversations that have inspired me along this journey: simple actions we can all take to bring more meaning into our life and contribute to a world filled with beauty and joy, one small step at a time.
You can think of it as a moment out of the rush to #LookUp and remember what really matters. A pause to reflect, reset…and then still get the laundry done!
So without further ado, here are some sparks of light for this last stretch of 2017.
With love,
This Month’s Inspiration Collection
“When did we forget that we are human beings, not human doings?” asks OnBeing columnist, Omid Safi (@ostadjaan), in this insightful piece that gets to the heart of our “disease of being ‘busy'”.
When it comes from The Dalai Lama, you know it’s got to be good: “Although one individual among so many on this planet may seem too insignificant to have much of an effect on the course of humanity, it is our personal efforts that will determine the direction our society is heading,” he contends in this New York Times opinion piece, Our Future Is Very Much In Our Hands.
I dare you to make it through this advert without a box of tissues by your side. The premise might be a little over-the-top (and the video is, ultimately, designed to sell food), but the core message will resonate with anyone engaged in the modern race against the clock.
It’s impossible to feel blue when listening to this burst of musical sunshine by Àlvaro Soler. His uplifting tunes are at the top of my “Winter Survival” playlist now that the cold, gray days have arrived in my little corner of Switzerland.
Whether you consider yourself spiritual, religious, atheist or otherwise, Iyanla Vanzant (@IyanlaVanzant) speaks straight to the soul. In this SuperSoul Conversation with Oprah Winfrey, Vanzant dispenses the timeless wisdom of someone who has seen dark times…and clung on to find the light. Bookmark it for a day when you need a boost of good old American-style cheer.
From the CultureRISE Archives
It’s an uphill battle in these digital times. But we all hold the power to hit the pause button every now and again: to look up and see what’s right in front of us. These are just a few of the beautiful moments I might have missed if I hadn’t looked up from the busyness.
What do you see today when you #LookUp?
(photo: @aimeedubrule)
Your intentions create the reality that you experience. Until you become aware of this, it happens unconsciously. Therefore, be mindful of what you project. That is the first step toward authentic power.”
Gary Zukav