Take a Moment to be Present in a World of Distraction

This Month’s Inspiration Collection
It’s an ongoing struggle to stay present and experience life as it unfolds, especially in an increasingly digital world. The mindfulness market has grown significantly in recent years. At the same time, we spend more hours than ever in front of our screens. On the blog this month, we explore how to navigate the fuzzy line between life in the now and life online.
On the podcast
“One of the great lessons of photography is that it can teach you patience…it forces you to shift gears a little bit. And with that, you have a better ability to just be exactly where you are,” says celebrated documentary and portrait photographer, Ian Brown. In this episode we explore what it takes to stay present. Ian shares what he learned over a decade of capturing the stories of Americans from all walks of life for his ‘American Dreams’ project, and how the act of listening can bring us all closer together.
Do our screens make us less happy? In this 2017 TED Talk, Adam Alter explores the irresistible pull of digital technology and what we can do to replace this temptation with the experience of life in the here and now.
The pace of technological change underway in the world is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, eloquently describes many of the thorny issues around this momentum in his essay about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He also highlights the opportunity this revolution brings to “lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness based on a shared sense of destiny”. The choice is ours.
Online social platforms are a bit like sweets. When consumed mindfully, in moderation, they provide enormous pleasure for the senses. This marvellous visual interpretation of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 is a digital hot fudge sundae. Grab your headphones and get ready to indulge your weekly tech calories in this delightful creative feast!
From the CultureRISE Archives
It can be an uphill battle in these digital times. But we all hold the power to hit the pause button every now and then. What would happen if you looked up from the busyness for a moment?
It’s a beautiful day. Don’t let it get away.” – U2
A touch of beauty captured during a stroll in the countryside. (Image credit: @elisabeth_fransdonk)
Feature photo credit: Rikki Chan