Think big, act small

All of this got me imagining what would be possible if we harnessed each small act of kindness for the collective good? This month’s round-up of inspiration everyday reflects on a world led by love (best served with dose of John Lennon’s epic ballad).
Much love,
This Month’s Inspiration Collection
Whether you’re a royalist or a disinterested by-stander, it was impossible to miss the recent royal wedding which made headlines all over the world. Even if you’re someone who doesn’t care for the pageantry of it all, how could you not be moved by the passionate sermon of Reverend Michael Curry, who captivated millions of people around the world with his invitation to “imagine a world where love is the way”?
How do we begin to find peace and love in an age of outrage? Buddhist teacher and writer, Joseph Goldstein, encourages us to “consciously see the good in other people” through the practice of loving kindness. In this interview from last year he describes how to get started down this path.
On the podcast
Growth does not require raw materials. Growth can be personal growth. Imagine if we were to reorient growth around that? How do we create a whole society, or economy, based on the growth of the individual?” asks Alex Inchbald in our recent conversation on the podcast. Learn more about Alex’ life-changing journey from creative wasteland to connected abundance, and how emptying the teacup of your personal unconscious can help you connect to a deeper creative force.
From the CultureRISE Archives
We each hold the power to transform our trajectory of fear into personal triumph. In doing so, the minutia of the everyday matters: every action, every day is an expression of our purpose. The place to begin is with that first breath every morning…and every step that follows.
With all of this reflection on the power of love, it seemed appropriate to dig out this iconic ballad from John Lennon, which provides the perfect soundtrack to this month’s collection.
In another act of kindness this month, a wonderful surprise appeared in our mailbox from a thoughtful friend (@aimeedubrule).
You cannot change another person. You can only change yourself. The paradox is if you change yourself by listening to your intuition, you end up changing the world around you. And if everyone did that, the world would change.”
Alex Inchbald
Created by CultureRISE — find your inspiration everyday.
Feature photo: unsplash-logoJessica Ruscello