Andrew & Vonetta Winter: Embarking on the Adventure of a Lifetime

These serendipitous moments – it’s like a stream and you dive into the stream and it carries you. We were fortunate to be able to let go of the attachments that make it hard to step into that stream.” – Vonetta Winter
Have you ever thought of packing up your things and hitting the road for the adventure of a lifetime? In 2007, Andrew and Vonetta Winter did exactly that – along with their two kids and beloved golden retriever, Moses. Over the last ten years they have painstakingly restored an abandoned farm in the remote mountains of Portugal into what has become the world-renowned yoga retreat, Vale de Moses. Today they share their passion for a more sustainable way of life with guests from all over the planet.
In this conversation Andy and Von reflect on how their initial decision to take a ‘long dog walk through Europe’ led them to unexpected corners and, ultimately, a new place to call home. We discuss the many surprises they faced along the way, as well as the unlikely change to their everyday routine in London that triggered this big adventure.

Vonetta Winter in the olive grove at Vale de Moses
- The original ‘Long dog walk through Europe’ with Moses
- Listening deeply to your heart: CultureRISE conversation with Mars
- Blogging about the restoration of Vale de Moses
- Vale de Moses retreat today in the remote mountains of Portugal
Many thanks to Andrew and Vonetta Winter. To read more about their story and Vale de Moses retreat, check out their website (www.valedemoses.com) or Instagram (@valedemoses) and Facebook page.
Your host is Aimée DuBrule.
This podcast was produced by Jennifer MacLeod.
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(All images courtesy of Andrew & Vonetta Winter / Feature photo credit: Sven Mahr)