Xenya Cherny Scanlon — Putting Glam into Green

Fashion is not only skin deep. It is something that affects our lives profoundly. And it’s only fair to bring fashion into a broader conversation about sustainability – Xenya Cherny Scanlon
When you get dressed in the morning, how much thought do you give to the clothes you put on? Have you ever wondered about where the fabric originates and who constructed your garments? Or what happens when you discard them?
In the age of fast fashion, disposable clothing has become the norm. So what can we do to line up our fashion choices with more sustainable values? Whether you’re a fashionista, or more of a jeans-and-T-shirt person, the clothing we choose has a huge impact on the earth.
In this episode we explore the aesthetics and ethics of our clothes with Xenya Cherny Scanlon. Known to her friends as the “environmentalist in stilettos”, Xenya is the creator of Green Stilettos, a blog and consultancy that brings together her two passions — fashion and sustainability — to uncover wardrobes that don’t cost the earth.
Xenya has worked with major international organisations around the world on communicating greener ways of living. In this conversation we delve into some of the thorny issues facing one of the world’s biggest industries and discuss how Xenya is putting glam into green.
- Fashion Revolution encourages brands to be more open about where their clothes are made
- Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh in 2013
- ABC TV programme about clothing waste in Australia
- Xenya Cherny Scanlon speaks at TEDx Geneva about what it was like growing up with a philosophy of quality over quantity
- Monkee Genes creates denim sourced and made with conscience
- Nudie Jeans is a Swedish denim brand based in Sweden, designing jeans inspired by the idea that “the more you wear and repair jeans, the more character they have”
- Veja is a French brand of ecological and fair trade footwear and accessories
- The adidas by Stella McCartney footwear range is made with recycled plastic
Many thanks to this week’s guest, Xenya Cherny Scanlon. You can find her at Green Stilettos or on Twitter or Instagram (@greenstilettosgirl).
Your host is Aimée DuBrule.
This podcast was produced by Jennifer MacLeod.
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(Image courtesy of Xenya Cherny Scanlon)